Once every little while, if you're a creative of sorts your passion for your club might just spill out into the art world. In celebrating his team, just for fun, Gary Austin put together a re-branding idea for his beloved Hibs' stadium Easter Road.

Why the heck not, eh. Especially when the finished result is a smart, simple and minimalist in style - it should be appreciated, that's for sure.

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"The identity was created to highlight the diverse use of Easter Road for the future, as a top sporting venue, as well as concerts, functions and hospitality. I also created a printed guide to the stadium from a fans perspective. The faux 'blueprint' highlights famous events the stadium has witnessed over it's long and charming history."

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Transferring digital to print, it's a smart project. Hibs is a club that values it's creative output with many season ticket campaigns and kit launches venturing outside the norm. They've got our respect.