Like a fine wine in a natural environment, Steven Gerrard is offering a revitalised and fresh perspective while out in LA. A collaboration with Mr Porter, photographed by Beau Grealy offers a stylised side to a man a champion in his own right.

In clutching a side of his life back, a side that is personal and private while social and engaging, LA clearly offers Steven Gerrard to play football but also break away from the spotlight fuelled conventions that have formed his daily life for a considerable amount of years.

Some description

A poignant though humbling photoshoot and collection, hats off go to Mr Porter and the team involved in bringing it together. Beautiful football at it's finest with unrivalled composition. No need for an army of onlookers it's a capsule that showcases how the game should be. Appreciated.

Read the full article here, it's truly fascinating. LA anyone?