Creative Soccer Culture

adidas: Unfollow feat. Leo Messi

Empowering creators to make their own headlines adidas' latest chapter of their Sport15 campaign has a bold message - to unfollow Leo Messi.

We've watched with disbelief, we've adored, we've even questioned whether he's human, Leo Messi is arguably the greatest player in the history of football and adidas have been behind him every step, every goal, every record along the way but now the brand are putting the emphasis on you, to be the next generation and to use the Barcelona forward as inspiration to break new records and make a name for yourself.

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This isn't adidas writing Messi off, the boy will still be banging in hat-tricks well into his thirties, this is more adidas setting the scene for Messi’s challenge to the next generation of creators. To them, he is no longer a hero – he is the competition.  In a world full of followers, adidas is reaching out to those who can be bold enough to stand out and the film is a call to arms for those who have the confidence to defy the norm.

Strong stuff. Make what you will of that and drop your comments below.


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