Creative Soccer Culture

PAOK FC | Visual Football

Continuing fine form and showcasing the visual communication of PAOK FC, we take another look at some more recent work created by Dimitris Papazoglou for the club.

Having featured the branding of the club a couple of months ago, the club and Dimitris have not stopped there. In creating a series of web graphics for digital use, it takes in a mixture of techniques. From strong photography to clean graphic design.

Some description

A club that seems to take a well rounded savvy approach, it's not just the imagery that they pride themselves on. Giving fans a look behind the scenes, they champion the creative elements. Bridging the gap between fans and players, this is a club with a strong brand - ultra cool style. It doesn't take much to go the extra step but it does offer heaps.

You can see more work by Dimitris here while the club is worth a look if you're on a voyage of discovery for a new team from left field to follow. Inspired off the pitch initiative.


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