Creative Soccer Culture

SoccerBible Magazine Issue 11 | In Conversation with Karamoko Dembele

We sat down with Celtic wonderkid Karamoko Dembele for SoccerBible Magazine Issue 11, having just delivered him a custom pair of Nike Air Force 1 shoes designed exclusively by the talented Aaron Givens. Enjoy this short extract from the feature.

When you’ve been labelled a ‘wonderkid’ the hype train begins. For Karamoko Dembele, however, his determination has meant he is perfectly equipped for the task in hand. At 15 years old, this young man is playing in places before he’s had a chance to dream about them, and he’s already featured in a Nike commercial, while YouTube clips of his talents have amassed millions of views. What’s more, with two nations fighting for his allegiance, he has courageously racked up appearances for both England and Scotland youth sides. It’s with casual ease that he explains, “I want to win the Ballon d’Or”.

Can you tell us much how much you live to play football?

"Football is really my life. Without football, I don’t really know what I would do. You know, my brother brought me into football and he’s been a big factor in my life as well as my parents. They’ve come from difficult backgrounds so it would be good if I could make it so I could help them out."

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Your brother was part of the Nike academy. Did that help him and then in turn help you?

"The Nike academy was shut down so he had to work hard to find a club after that. He’s currently at Grimsby Town."

What’s it like for you when you get out on the pitch, do you like to try and show people what you can do?

"Well, after I made my under-20s debut, I got a little bit known on the internet and as a result I put a bit of pressure on myself. My dad sat me down and said to me, “The way you play now is what has got you to where you are, so just keep doing that.” So since then I’ve tried hard to not think about who’s watching me but rather what I want to get out of football. I want to make people smile but I need to make myself happy first. That’s the way I try and play."

Ronaldinho was famously a player who played with a smile on his face, is that what you mould yourself on?

"Yeah. When I go out onto the pitch, I try to think of the videos I watch and the players I watch. Most importantly, how they play with freedom and express themselves. As soon as I walk on the pitch, I think of them, smile and then get on with the game."

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Your favourite players are Messi and Neymar, are there any others?

"Ronaldinho is the biggest. I think he is one of the greatest there ever was. I think that the players nowadays were all inspired by the older generation. Players like Ronaldinho made the likes of Neymar and Messi what they are today. I think it then goes on from there. Neymar and Messi now influence the people around me."

What do you think Ronaldinho would say if he saw a YouTube clip of you?

"I’d want him to think that I have the potential to become a professional football player. I’d also want him to say I’m a really good player [laughs] but you never know what people really think."

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Does it make you excited to know that millions of people have watched those clips?

"At first I was kind of shocked by the whole thing. After thinking about it though, I just tried not to get carried away by it all. For me it’s just about focusing on the main goal, which is about becoming a professional footballer. Sometimes your focus goes but it’s important you regain that. Focus is a really big thing for me, I’ve got to keep my attention on getting to where I want to go."

You’ve played against Barcelona’s younger team. How did it feel to play well against them?

"I was really nervous when I went into that game. It was Barcelona, arguably the biggest club in the world. I thought to myself though when I got on the pitch that they are just human beings like me. I was there for a reason and it’s because we’re at the same level. There’s no difference between us if I put my head in that place. Even though we lost that game 3-2, I was still quite happy because I was still able to do the things I wanted to do or was thinking about before the game. I always imagine stuff before the game that I would like to try and do in that match and what I’d need to do to make them happen. That game went well."

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You can read the full interview in SoccerBible Magazine Issue 11, available in stores and online now.


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