Creative Soccer Culture

World Cup Final Match Ball - Jo'Bulani adidas 46664 Charity Auction

World Cup Final Match Ball - Jo'Bulani adidas 46664 Charity Auction

Want to own a piece of World Cup history? As today adidas are hosting an auction to win the World Cup Final match ball, and the bidding currently stands at around £50,000!

Here's your chance to own a unique piece of football history from the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa: The official Jo'bulani ball that will was used in the World Cup final.  To get your hands on the golden Jo'bulani ball that Spain and Holland ruthlessly fought over, you can place your bid on eBay now if you've got a cool £50,000 to spare, with the auction closing at 1706 GMT 16-07-10.

It's all for a good cause as 100% of the money raised will go to Nelson Mandela's 46664 Charity. And this isn't the first time adidas have shown their commitment to South Africa and the Nelson Mandela 46664 charity, as they have previously held an auction including such pieces as a painting of the moment before South Africa kicked off the 2010 FIFA World Cup. When the team gathered together in a huddle to create an intense and inspiring moment as they prepared themselves for the biggest game in the history of African football.



46664, founded by Nelson Mandela and inspired by his Robben Island Prison Number (46664) is the collective charity for all those established by Nelson Mandela. The charity is designed to inspire individual and collective action towards a better world for everyone.

We're sure there will be a host of Spanish fans clamoring to own the Jo'bulani match ball, which Andres Iniesta smashed into the back of the net to win Spain their first ever World Cup! At the time of publishing this article, bidding was around the £50,000 mark, and you can follow the bidding on eBay: World Cup final ball to see how much the winning bid is or maybe try and win the item for yourself!

You can also still get the official Jabulani matchball as well, should you want to start re-living your own World Cup moments!


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