Creative Soccer Culture

Andy Cole Interview

Andy Cole Interview

SoccerBible recently caught up with one of the best centre forwards of a generation. A prolific goal-scoring icon of the Premier League, only one player has scored more goals since the leagues launch in 1992. Spells in the top flight with clubs such as Manchester United, Blackburn and Fulham, saw Cole score a remarkable 187 goals. Check out what he had to say when he spoke to SoccerBible.

SB: What were your thoughts on the Champions League Final? A dissapointing night for you?

I thought it was fantastic, for me being Manchester United I was obviously disappointed that we lost the game but when you look at Barcelona you realise how far in front of everyone they are and every team has to catch up with them.

Barcelona have so many class players that play together as a team. They have magical players that work together so effectively.

SB: How far do you think Manchester United are away from that level?

AC: To be honest, I think United were very far off on the night. I just think that Barcelona are so advanced compared to everyone else. They've put the yardstick down for everyone to try and catch them.

SB: You scored a total of 93 goals during your time at Manchester United. Can you pick a goal that meant the most to you?


AC: I don t know because when you score a lot of goals at Old Trafford they all mean a lot. When we played Marseilles in the Champions League and won 2-1, I scored an over head kick and everyone said how Dennis Law used to do that all the time.

When people speak about you in the same breath as Dennis Law it is obviously a huge compliment.

SB: Who would you say was the best player you've played with?


AC: I've been so fortunate to play with so many top players. Paul Scholes and Ryan Giggs stands out as two of the best - they were both magicians. But there were so many players who brought different things.


SB: Was the 1999 Manchester United team the best side you played in?


AC: Without a doubt.The '99 United team was the best side I've ever played in. We achieved so much not just as a football team but off the pitch as well. We all got along as individuals. When we played football we were great team mates.  


SB: How much of a role did Alex Ferguson play in your career?

AC: For me a big role. I think he was the only manager who knew how to manage me. I played for a few managers who often were a waste of time but he was the only manager who could manage me as a footballer and as an individual. I think that is why he is still managing now. To still be managing in the same way  is a testament to him.

SB: In the treble season, you scored 24 goals - was there any more important than your Champions League semi-final goal in Turin?


AC: Well the craziest thing is we would have gone through on away goals anyway. People speak about me scoring the third goal as if it won us the tie but we were going through anyway. Even so, that was still one of the biggest goals in my career.  


When I scored at Old Trafford against Tottenham as well. That was huge because that really set us going to completing the treble. Playing at the Nou Camp that season and scoring was also a big moment in that season for me.



SB: As a player who used to wear the Nike Tiempo's - a boot focused on touch - who for you has the best touch in the game today?


I think if you look at Messi, he is an unbelievable player. Also Xavi and Iniesta - if you look at their technique and how talented they are when they receive and distribute the ball, they are all so naturally gifted.




SB: Can you describe what Alex Ferguson is like in the dressing room when things aren't going your way?

AC: When I arrived here people warned me saying, ''some times the manager is going to lose the plot so be prepared.''

With the boss it's strange because you can play for 45 minutes and at half time all he will remember is what happened in the last moments of the half.

Forget the first 40. If you did something wrong in the last 5 minutes then you had better prepare yourself!

SB: If you could give one piece of advice to aspiring footballer's out there, what would it be?

AC: Advice never changes. You have go to be prepared to work hard. Football has changed so much compared to when I was playing.

If you look at a lot of the young kids that are coming through today, the advice they get given goes straight out of the window because some of them get gifted everything so early.

When I was growing up people would tell me take advice on board and always work hard. That's what I would say to kids now.

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