Creative Soccer Culture

Lionel Messi Interview

Lionel Messi Interview

Sitting at the head of a miCoach SpeedCell shaped table sits the world's best footballer, in front of him sits the most revolutionary football product ever developed. All day there's been a huge buzz at the hotel in Barcelona, because wherever Lionel Messi goes people know they are in the presence of football greatness. Taking our seat for an exclusive interview we are faced with a formidable combination, so what does Lionel Messi think of the new adizero miCoach football boots...


SoccerBible: What changes have you noticed in the new adizero compared to the previous versions?

Lionel Messi: It's very comfortable, but so was the previous one because I was also involved in the development of the boot. The good thing about the new boots is the chip, that's what really makes them different.


The adidas adizero micoach are the first football boots with a brain, how important are statistics in the modern game, and how good is it to make that available to players at all levels?

I've yet to see my data and statistics as this is with my management, however, I feel really comfortable in the boots and you do not realise the chip is even in the boot! I think that it is great that you are able to track your performance on the pitch and it is definitely very useful for young players developing their game.


The adizero stands-out as a lightweight boot, how important to your performance is a lightweight boot?


The boots are the most important thing to me. It's very important that they are light, because the lighter they are the more comfortable I feel.



What's your secret to dribbling at such high speed with the ball under close-control?

I don't really have a secret as such, all I try to do is keep the ball as close to my feet as possible, and to play the one against one.

Do you have any particular training methods that help you during the game?

Normally I practice without the ball, static movement helps me and then when I play on the field I  try to find gaps to move with the ball



You're 24 years old and you've won almost everything in the game, what's your motivation to keep on improving?

To me it's to want more each time to be better, and I want to win what I've already won again. Also what drives me is the attitude of my team, wanting to play well as a team and to win.



Is there anyone in particular you talk to about your performances, do you talk with your friends or your team-mates?

I normally watch the matches afterwards and see what I did wrong, and the people I normally talk to about my performance is Guardiola. It's very important his opinion to me and also my Dad, we normally watch games together and he gives me his opinion.


Could you ever imagine playing for another club?

Many times I've said my plan is to stay with Barcelona my life, I can't picture myself in any other team.


It's quite amazing how the attacking unit at Barcelona has such a good understanding, do you work on this training?


We don't normally plan things before or practice them, we all just play together very well. We've played together for a long time, and when we have a good moment it's because it happens like that.

In the modern game, are there players that particularly impress you, and who are the hardest to play against?


I couldn't really say who are the most difficult players to play against, but the ones that impress me a lot and who I really admire are Xavi and Iniesta. I'm really lucky to practice and train with them everyday and we play together very well.



Do you set yourself targets for scoring goals?


To me the most important is not to score goals, the most important thing is that the team plays well. Then if the team plays well, there are opportunities to score goals for me and for all the other forwards.

For you is football a job or is it a passion?


To me it's a passion. I enjoy it a lot, I enjoy training, but obviously there are responsibilities that come with the job. But it's a passion.

The adidas adizero miCoach football boots are available from 15th November, so if you pre-ordered a pair they could be with you already, or you could order now to get a pair tomorrow! The 15th November is the same date the Speed Cell functionality is available to consumers via the web experience, let us know what you think of football's latest innovation and share your thoughts online, on Twitter and onFacebook.


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