Creative Soccer Culture

Hulk - This Is My Moment - Morelia Neo Purple

Hulk - This Is My Moment - Morelia Neo Purple

One of football's hottest properties at the moment, in this exclusive Mizuno video Brazilian striker Hulk demonstrates what you need to become an elite athlete. The powerful forward player is a loyal Mizuno wearer, and is now the leading star for the Morelia Neo.

The Morelia Neo is part of a wave of lightweight leather football boots taking the game by storm, and the boot is perfectly aligned to Hulk a player who has been making headlines and has now burst into the Brazilian national team.

In this video Hulk slaloms his way through a training drill, executing excellent technique for close ball control before hammering the ball home! Something we've come to expect from the appropriately named attacker, who is famed for his powerful finish.

For this exclusive video Hulk is sporting the latest colourway addition to the Morelia Neo range. The fourth instalment of the Neo is probably the most eye-catching, following up from the launch green, and standard black and white versions, the Purple/Yellow/White Morelia Neo's are more like what we'd expect for a speed boot.

A lethal combination for the likes of Hulk, a lightweight speed boot offering the famous leather comfort and feel associated with the Morelia range. The new Morelia Neo football boots are designed to make a statement, and worn by Hulk they certainly do that.

Hulk is wearing the new purple/yellow Morelia Neo boots, part of the new Mizuno Seiei Collection (Seiei is Japanese for "Elite") launched for this Summer. For more information go to and register your visit to the Mizuno Performance Centre from 24th July-12th August with a chance to try on the boots and compete against others on the Mizuno kick-point challenge. Let us know what you think of the Morelia Neo and leading star Hulk, join the conversation online, on Twitter and on Facebook.


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