Creative Soccer Culture

Usain Bolt Exclusive Interview

Usain Bolt Exclusive Interview

He's the fastest man on the planet, but when Usain Bolt isn't on the track he lives life at his own pace. It was a couple of months ago SoccerBible sat in the sports hall at St Mary's University College in Twickenham, waiting for one of sports' global icons. Usain was booked in to see a host of media throughout the day, but true to his personality he was taking it all in his stride and enjoying himself...

At SoccerBible we strive to bring our fans the biggest most exclusive sporting stars, and they don't come much bigger than the fastest man on the planet! But why was a football orientated site interviewing an athlete? Well it's no secret Usain is a huge football fan, and he had plenty to say about the game, as well as the London 2012 Olympic games.


You've broken every record going, you're the fastest man on the planet. But is Usain Bolt the fastest human to have ever lived?

"I always think about that. I thought about it and thought suppose there's one strange guy out there, probably a janitor and he's just extremely fast. But so far, I've been documented as the fastest man ever."


Is there more speed to come at London 2012?

"I think it's going to be one of the biggest Olympics ever! So for me it's very important to go out there to do my best and win, and to just do amazing things."


Do you have any speed tips?

"The key to running fast is definitely hard work, but also technique. It helps when you relax if you're running, if you're trying to fight too hard to run then automatically you go slower. You've got to be focused on getting your shoulders down and 'swing from the hips' that's what my coach tells me. You might not understand what swing from your hips is, it's keep your hands as close to your hips as possible so your shoulders are low so your arms are close in, swing from your hips...easy!"


If you could be a professional athlete in any other sport, which would you choose?

"I definitely would want to play football. I think I'd be good, and it's a big sport watched a lot in Jamaica and I watch a lot."



Do you prefer to watch the Premier League or La Liga?

"Premier League definitely, I'm a Manchester United fan all the way! When I first started watching football I started watching Van Nistelrooy, he was really good and I really enjoyed watching him play. The first couple of matches I watched, I thought this guy is really good and that's how I started supporting Manchester United because of Ruud Van Nistelrooy."


There's a big rivalry and debate over Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo, but which player do you prefer watching?

"I think Ronaldo has changed his game a little bit, so I think Messi is more exciting to watch. He makes things much more fun and he keeps the skill on the ball, so Messi."


Do you play football yourself when you get the opportunity?

"Yes, I used to play a lot with my friends, we used to play every Sunday."



What position do you play?

"I think I'm a really good defender, but I like to play on the wings because then I can run more."


How was it when you travelled to Manchester United to train with Cristiano Ronaldo?

"It was really fun, it was really funny. He's a cool guy he's very down to earth and it was fun, he showed me a few tricks and I tried to explain to him how to run. But to run like an athlete it doesn't help in football because you've got to lift your knees up, and I don't think it helps in football because you've got to dribble the ball."


He's known for his explosive speed, do you rate Cristiano as a fast player?

"Yes he's very quick, he's a very quick player, the key thing I think in football is that burst of speed and he has that."


Who are Usain Bolt's sporting heroes and idols?

"When I was growing up it was definitely Don Quarrie and Michael Johnson, look at those guys! Right now for me my father is one person, he's one of my role models he really pushes me to do well. But also Kevin Garnett, he plays basketball. He is such a good role model for me and he's a champion, a true champion. If you watch him when he plays he really puts his all into it and he always try to rally his team-mates. One special thing for me was when he was injured and out, he was always on the bench shouting 'you can do this, you can do better' always motivating. So for me he's a really strong motivator."


Do you feel a responsibility as leader of the Jamaican team?

"The coach tells me I'm the lead ship, I'm the leader so I try to lead a good life and try to motivate all the athletes to better."

One of the greatest athletes of all time, Usain Bolt transcends all sports as a global icon. All eyes will be on Usain at the London 2012 Olympics, and SoccerBible will be amongst those supporting Usain for Gold. We'd love to hear your thoughts on Usain Bolt the athlete and football fan, so join the conversation online, on Twitter and on Facebook.


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