Creative Soccer Culture

'Brave Afrisko' a short film by the Berlin Braves

A creative collective that brings together an enormous wealth of talent under the good name of sport, the Berlin Braves have released this triumphant film that captures their football team 'Brave Afrisko' as their season culminates.

Afrisko being a team that embodies the collective spirit and comes together to smash a beautiful game to the fore, their ethos is unquestionably cool - right on the money (just look at those kits).

Celebrating the end of their season, it's only right they told their journey through the moving medium of film. Created by the team themselves, it's a showcase of their abilities just as much as it is a presentation of the club, team and sport. Bad ass delivery and an inspired finish hats off to all involved.

Always looking for fresh members, new talent and a welcoming face you can find out more about them here.


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