Creative Soccer Culture

'We are England' by Four Lions

Celebrating their support ahead of EURO 2016, the merry men that make up the Four Lions have released 'We are England' as they look to give the squad that extra chunk of well wishes.

'A rowdy terrace anthem' ― that's what this ensemble of ambassadors have set out to do. Think about Gazza endlessly spinning in that dentist chair then think about that emphatic feeling when you re-watch him lift the ball over the head of Colin Hendry for the 9837th time. Unconventional bliss that you want to watch over and over again, right?

This squad, made up The Happy Mondays’ creative kingpins, Shaun Ryder & Paul Oakenfold have re-united ― with the addition of Black Grape’s Kermit and Goldie ― to create this track that kicks off right from the beginning with an evocative 90’s rave keyboard and finishes leaving you wanting even more moves from Bez. Taking classic elements of the British alternative music scene, it's what football songs are supposed to be. High-spirited, charming and relentlessly unorthodox. Not to mention ridiculously catchy.

Looking to create an anthem, they've got our support. It's looking like a bright summer, especially is Shaun's sunglasses are anything to go by. Long may it continue.


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