Creative Soccer Culture

10 Things You Might Have Missed This Week – 21/06/19

Ever wondered what the offspring of Zidane and Bale might look like? Us neither, but it’s part of this week’s 10 things that you might have missed from the weird world of football. As is the oldest 12 year old you’ve ever seen and the best dressed physio in the game. Ready? Let’s go…

Father's Day – The anguished "face in hands" look at the end says it all. The face of regret and disbelief, but an underlaying feeling of pride.

Natural Born Hustler – You know this kid's been practicing this for months, waiting for his Dad to make some ridiculous wager; and wager's don't get any bigger than a Playstation at that age.

Worshiping At The Alter Of John – Nice to see that with over 2000 games commentated on, John Motson has been honoured in Naples. Shame they didn't capture his sheepskin jacket properly though.

They Grow Up So Fast – Ibrahima Sow moved to Spain when he was 10, 20 years ago...

Absolute Filth – The definition of "form is temporary, class is permanent" from Roberto Carlos in the recent Soccer Aid match.

Short Corner – Something from the archives to remind us all that nobody's perfect. Oh, and speaking of Zidane...

Haunting Your Dreams – Every time you turn the light off and run up the stairs Gareth Zidane is chasing you. Whenever you look at a chair of clothes in the dark and think it looks like a person, it's Gareth Zidane.

Italian Job – The Italians. They're just much cooler than everyone else aren't they?

Serving Up Some Volleys – Wimbledon edition of head tennis. Each Premier League club selects two players to compete in a doubles tournament. Winner gets a Europa League 3rd round qualifying spot or some shit. Make it happen.

Like A Cat – Brewster might play for Liverpool, but the big fella has 35 years of 5-a-side under his belt and you can't buy experience like that.

Gone Girl – Yeah, we watched it five times too. 

Kings Of Sunday League – Money well spent, we think? Either way the fines master must be commended for raking in 4k. Then blowing it in half an hour rather than taking the boys abroad for the weekend. They seem happy enough, mind.

Doggy Style – Anything that mixes football and dogs always has a strong chance of making the cut here. 

And that's your lot for another week...

Daniel Jones

The Creative Soccer Culture Brief

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