Creative Soccer Culture

25 Times Mike Dean Was Pure Showbiz

Mike Dean will referee his 500th Premier League game tomorrow as he struts into the Emirates to officiate Arsenal vs Sheffield United. To celebrate that landmark achievement we've pulled together a collection of moments that made us love Mr Showbiz himself. A collection of moments that make you half expect him to turn up tomorrow with a gold whistle, gold boots and vest under his shirt that says 'DEANO 500 NOT OUT' which he reveals as his clever advantage leads to a goal. 

Deano has no time for nobodies. Not on his pitch.

Four cans of Stella and some Stone Island, Deano isn't just an away days top boy. He is the away day.

Absolute showman. Full disclosure we stopped counting how many we've put in this list. Could be 25, could be 40.

One for the 'December' page on the Deano 2020 calendar. Naughty.

When Mike Dean gives a goal kick. He SERIOUSLY GIVES A GOAL KICK. He also loves the fact that you thought he might have been giving a penalty.

Goose Step Dean is still one of our favourite Deans.

That flick of the wrist oozes confidence. Never dropping it. Never.

Not a problem, pal.

You can try and tell us this video wasn't made by the man himself but we'll never believe you. Sorry.

"Yeah I could have been a player. But I'm better than that."

Every Premier League referee must kiss the whistle of Mike Dean before their debut for he is their leader, their god. 

Sass. He's seen it all, and he's seen it all again.



Pure Brent.

You've been accepted into Dean's elite. He'll be seeing you next season.

Deano has no time for amateurs. This ain't kids football, you ain't taking it again, son.

Always performing.

Obviously he's got this dubbed over with DEEEEAANNOOOOOO. Still keeps him up at night that Aguero didn't wobble from that first tackle. Would have been advantage of the decade. Top would have been off.

From Day One. Clear penno. No doubts.

The universal symbol for I'm more authoritative than you. Which he is. To everyone.

If everyone put this much effort into their job the world would be a much more efficient place.

NEVER TOUCH HIS CARDS. We can't stress enough the importance of this one. That's like nicking the Pope's hat.

Told ya, seen it all. He pities your naivety.

Knows an idiot when he sees one.

One for the ladies. #TheDeanettes

He's got no time for bubbles stealing his spotlight, the floaty, glistening, show-off bastards.

Vintage Dean.

You love him. Even those who hate him, love to hate him. A true icon. Never change, big man.


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