Creative Soccer Culture

Graphic Designer Dan Norris Produces Vintage Reimaginings Of Club Crests

Showing off a creative flair for some throwback flavour along with an impressive level of patience, graphic designer Dan Norris has tastefully recreated the crest of every club to have ever graced the Premier League, presenting them in alphabetical order from Arsenal right through to Wolves.

A self-proclaimed storyteller for the eye and purveyor of visual hooks, Dan Norris lovingly reimagines film and football iconography, and he’s recently completed a little side project – vintage reimaginings of football crests for every team to have played in the Premier League since it began in 1992. That’s 49 club crests he’s painstakingly pored over and dismantled, before discovering the essence within to recreate them in his own interpretation. That’s some commitment right there. Doubt we’d have got past the Bs to be honest, and even then they’d have been barely more than a collection of unintelligible squiggles. Yep, best leave it to the professionals.

In a time where the demands of the modern world require sleek, simplified social media-friendly logos, Norris has gone the other way, lending each crest a substance that’s reminiscent of a time gone by. Sure these are never likely to be adopted by a club to adorn their shirts, but there’s something about them that just feels authentic, like proper English football, and we’re all for it.

Check out more of Dan's work here.

Daniel Jones

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