Creative Soccer Culture

Park SSC Launch 'Rubbish Ball Challenge'

'PARK Social Soccer Co.' have always put out a message that supports others. Looking to utilise the time indoors we all share right now, the community based organisation have introduced the 'Rubbish Ball Challenge'. For every challenge completed. PARK will pass on a real ball to a kid in need.

Inspired by all those kids around the world who don’t have access to a ‘real’ football, who use old rubbish to make their own ball, this challenge looks to flip that inequality around. 

It's a simple way to utilise your time indoors, the challenge is one that will mean you're helping others in the message. Being creative through football whilst up cycling your rubbish - the challenge is one that spreads a positive tone whilst showing how football can be used for good. 

The Challenge:

1. Make your own rubbish ball with stuff you already have at home
2. Film your ball in action - kick it, juggle it, pass it, head it
3. Tag and follow @park_ssc #rubbishballchallenge
4. Challenge 3 friends to make one too

For every challenge completed, PARK will pass a real ball to a kid in need. Taking a positive approach through an initiative that can make a huge difference especially in tough times.


The message is simple: Let's use our time indoors for good, get creative and show how soccer can change the world.

You can find out more about PARK SSC here.


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