Creative Soccer Culture

Artist Creates 75 Metre-High Mural Of Messi

Street artist and muralist Andres Petroselli, better known by his alter ego of Cobre, has unveiled his 75 meter tall mural of World Cup winner and all-round GOAT, Lionel Messi in Santa Fe, Argentina.

When you’re as good as Lionel Messi, you’re probably used to the odd mural or three popping up in your honour. The latest one has appeared in the city of Santa Fe in Argentina, and at 75 metres in height, it’s quite the sight, so much so that it’s comfortably visible from a passing plane window. And it's not finished yet – the works that began in mid-March of this year are advancing at a good pace on the west wall of the CAM 100 building, located at the intersection of Alem avenue and Las Heras street, but it's only 50 percent complete according to the artist, Cobre.

The mural sees the figure of Messi, World Cup in hand and three stars on the Argentine National Team shirt, and a child looking on admiringly, showing the future and inspiration that the Argentine no. 10 has created.

At 75 metres high, and 40 metres wide, it is quite the sight. Due to its size, it’s estimated that about 600 litres of paint (20 cans of 30 litres) will be used for the base and about 1000 aerosols on top of that.

Cobre clarified that what he had done so far was working with a blowtorch and paint, and that next stage will see aerosols introduced to achieve hyperrealism, the technique that characterises the artist. He also confirmed that upon completion, there will be plenty of hidden messages and easter eggs.

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Eyes peeled for the finished product in the near future.

Daniel Jones

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