If there's one nation that delivers stunning replica shirts for every major tournament, it's the French. Always elegant, always stylish. No surprises then that the Nike 2018 France home and away strips are typically on trend.
Modern replica at its finest. Sure, we miss the eccentric designs of the 90s, but the 2018 France home and away shirts are a demonstration of modern flare with exquisite execution. Born from France's cultural duality, the French home shirt celebrates an enduring symbol of national pride, the tricolour.

With the home kit standing as a direct celebration of the French flag, the away kit takes on a twisted tradition on the classic white France away strip. At first glance, the shirt appears plain white. However, closer inspection reveals a subtle red and blue hyper-speckle knit through the body – achieved by Nike pushing the boundaries of knitting technology.
Nike have taken a bit of stick from creating plain replica shirts in recent seasons, but up close every single shirt is unique. It's all in the details, and the attention to said details is there to be appreciated.
Both home and away kits incorporate a tricolore tape at the back of the neck and an internal badge reading “Nos Differences Nous Unisset” (Our Differences Unite Us). The phrase, which is housed in a hexagon (the geometric shape of France), celebrates the cultural mix of the French squad and the cities, towns and suburbs supporting the team.
Expect France to wear their new home strip for the first time when they take on Colombia on March 23. A trip to play Russia four days later should provide a first look on-pitch at the away kit.