In continuing his 'What if?' series in style, Federico Maccapani, AKA Mbroidered, has thrown down a mash up that brings the Laceless Purecontrol to the Boost world.

The 'Highlighter Boost Pack' is a conceptual idea that serves up an adidas Ultra Boost sole and chucks it into a washing machine of mega mix, spiting it back out in recognition of the ACE 16 collection. Not stopping there, he's plied the topping to an Accelerator to bring together old and new. You've got Primeknit with Powerswerve via Ultra Boost to boot - a feast on the eyes. The complimenting red and greens that wash these designs feature throughout; note the sole plates creeping through as well as the respective tongues. Right good on the taste buds.
Some description
The 'What If?' series is an ongoing project from Mbroidered that soaks up the swell of DIY culture surrounding football loving sneaker heads. We're lucky enough these days to ID anything we want but all the while there's a plucky bunch of talented folk picking up a pen and going customised crazy on their own shoes and boots. Instagram is a breeding ground for talent and Frederico is a prime example. Long may it continue.

How quickly would you snap these up? Let us know what mash-ups would blow the boost out of the water.