Bringing the Borough Clashes to the close as we head towards Peckham's final shutdown, the Nike Phantom Tournament in London headed East for the last local showcase. Teams assembled and suiting up in stealth mode, it's a creative ensemble of big players who got a run out before it all kicks off.

With the final in Peckham giving each of these sides the chance to make a name for themselves as well as represent their respective boroughs, it's with strong style that all players suit up as they prepare to go to battle and search to show that the East is where the best reside. Like all other Borough clashes, this gave the players and Nike to mix in some bespoke treatment. The Phantom wheels rolling in, the latest Nike innovations were offered up and put through the motions. Phantom VSN the weapon of choice it's with a matte finish that this set of players picked up the party.

Leading up to the final with form, it's tonight (Thursday) in which the eight respective sides from the four corners of London will battle it out for a Nike deal that includes advertising space in their local area as well as discounts for people who reside in that quarter. It also gives each captain a chance to elevate their profile on the scene as a key player and a Nike face of Phantom. It's an opportunity that underlines the community focus from Nike but also gives an opportunity for them to give back to the places where the next generation of players are creating their names and earning their swooshes if you will.

Eyes peeled as the final rolls in, Peckham, the party is inbound and the ballers are bringing it. Watch this space what what goes down.

Photography by JamesĀ Harrison